There Must Be Magic

By GirlWithACamera

Immergrun, the Sunken Gardens at Loretto

Sunday afternoon, after visiting family in the Johnstown area for the Easter holiday, we made a brief visit to the lovely gardens at Immergrun, in the town of Loretto, near St. Francis University.

Immergrun ("always green" in German) was the name given to the 1000-acre estate by its original owner, the American steel magnate Charles Schwab.

At one time, the sunken gardens at Immergrun were recognized as among the finest in the world. The grounds are now owned and operated as the Mount Assisi Friary.

The walkway shown in this photo surrounds the two ends of the gardens; on the walls, you can see the stations of the cross. Above the walkway is a trellis through which various vines and plants are intertwined.

Grottoes and shady nooks feature statues of religious significance. Numerous fountains and water gardens are replete with water lilies and other plants, and large orange goldfish.

There is a small indoor shrine where visitors may light candles. On the hill above the gardens is the mansion where Schwab and his family once lived.

On the wall by entrance, a sign invites visitors:

Treading softly,
Pass within this gate,
Where flowers and trees wait,
Hushed and dim.
May you find God
And walk awhile with Him.

Those who are interested may enjoy reading a bit more about Immergrun.

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