eye of the camera

By telefoto


today we all wanted to go to Cheltenham race course to watch the Scott may stunt show with monster trucks.....but unfortunately is was far to wet and they wouldn't have done allot of the stunts ....instead we went out for a meal with my father & mother in law! shame but still nice to be out .

we chose some where that did food & drink and that had a wacky warehouse attached so the kids could run around have fun and wear them selves out.

meal was OK but we had to wait over an hour to get it!! but to be fair it was chucking it down with rain all day and they were packed to the rafters!

we were stuffed by the end of it and all I wanted to do was go home and kip ...but I had to be at work :-( ..

work was OK wasn't too busy but wasn't too quiet...just right ! and there were all the fun people on which always makes the shift go nicer.

whilst on break i had a text msg from my husband which said "there is a surprise for you when you get in!"

wouldn't tell me what just that it would stop me moaning! (don't know what he means by that !)

by the time I had finished my break .. I only had about an hour to go on my shift whoop!!

got absolutely froze on the way home and the wind was blowing through my ears ouch! good job I had my head phones with me !

got home to find hubby still up ...with this little gift for me ^^^^ love him!!

my phone for ages now has been driving me up the wall ...he saw a mate selling this and got it for me...to stop my moaning about bloody phone freezing etc!

im a happy bunny now !

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