Housewife's Choice

By christilou

Pretty Weed......

A fairly eventful day so far. My father in law has been quite unwell during the night and our GP has sent him to hospital to "get over this little hurdle". I think it's where he needs to be at the moment but hopefully he won't be in there for long.

I toddled off for my DEXA scan this afternoon and I appear to be measured as 1cm taller than the last time I went! Quite chuffed as I'm almost 5' 4'' again. I like to think my posture has improved with all these dance classes but I think that it's more likely to be nurse error ;)

I shot this little weed growing all alone just because it looked so new and perfect. I was astounded to see detail that I've never noticed before even though I shoot a lot of macro flowers. I'm actually quite thrilled to see those twirly bits! I realize I'm sounding rather "sad" as my girls would say!

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