Oily Well
What a crappy day.
My mother has been unwell for some time and this morning I got a phone call from her saying that the doctor was with her and she was having to go in to hospital urgently.
This means my father is going to feel even worse and more lost than usual.
Luckily he had one of his hospital day visits so was away until late afternoon.
This gave us time to get things organised - my sister went to the hospital and sat with Mum while she went though tests until she was admitted. She will be in at least until Saturday.
My sister is going to stay overnight at the house which will give her the chance to see how things go with the sistter service (seemingly Dad is convinced that one of the women is a German spy disguised as an African who is out to kill him).
Tomorrow I will go back in and look after him whilst sister is at work and we will take it from there.
Maybe I should give some of the water from the well to my mother as it is meant to have medicinal qualities - but maybe not .... it is full of leaves and empty cans/bottles from the pub whoes gounds it is in.
The expression 'Oily Well'comes from Balm Well (where several local streets take their names) and its medicinal properties have been known of for hundreds of years ...... the date on the stonework is 1563.... and as well as having been visited by royalty there was a nunnery built nearby (which only ceased to exist about 20 years ago) which acted as a hospital in its early days.
I tried to bring a bit of sunshine to the day by shooting the sunflowers on Mums table.
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