The view from here

By cathintheattic

One of a Breed

I thought I was unique, but according to the woman at SAMS Scrap Art Material Store in Blackburn I am one of a breed.

We are all the same we community artists.

We all live in houses full of stuff that could be made into something else, something creative, something beautiful and we often have partners who despair of our collections of stuff.

Fair enough - but it's not totally my fault. I only went for some plastic bits to make bird scarers and they had a huge, huge box full of huge gold balls. I was restrained (not physically, it hasn't got that bad) and took three of the smallest ones. I don't know what I am going to do with them, but it will be something creative, something beautiful.

I got a piece of material there about 8 years ago and told them I was going to make a coat with it. Every time I went in Joanne would joke 'made that coat yet?' Several years later I gave the material back. Hopefully someone else has made it into something creative, something beautiful.

All the stuff has now made it from the car boot to the living room floor. Sorry Eoin (he despairs sometimes).

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