
By Anonymoose


Posting this in the wee wee hours - at the end of a very long day... This beautiful boy arrived at 7.18pm last night... 7lbs 9oz... (and check the hair!...)

Mandy is doing well after a tricky labour.

She was due to be induced at 8.30am - so we were glad when it started naturally just a few hours before. She did brilliantly getting through the first stages without any trouble but things slowed down later on with an epidural that didn't take - needing a fair bit of tweaking and footering by the doctors...

The final stages seemed to go in the blink of an eye. The birth itself was without a doubt the most amazing, jaw dropping experience... but the hours following the birth were extremely fraught with Mandy losing almost half of her blood - and I can only claim to have felt complete helplessness for that time whilst holding my new born son.

We have a lot of people to thank at St Johns.

This photo was taken just after midnight. Baby and mum due home on friday.

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