Something new...

By brynf

Mr. and Mrs. Montalvo

Hung out with my cousin from Albany last night, Antoinette. She came out to Manattan with her boyfriend to visit my parents, her friend Margo, and me. We caught a comedy show at Comedy Cellar -- saw this hilarious female comic (yes, men who think women can't be funny, they exist and are EVERYWHERE!), Jim Norton and some other funny guys... we then ventured over to Fat Black Pussycat for a drink, then out to dinner. Intoxicated, I then somehow made it back to Penn station via subway, and to my house via cab. Antoinette bought us these cute Mr. and Mrs. cozies that I will somehow convince the fiance to rock at some future occasion.... 'cause I think they're dorky cool. (like geeky chic, or the like.)

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