Englishman in Bandung

By Vodkaman

Another new dragon

When I photographed this dragon, I assumed that it was the female of the blue dragon that I blipped a few days ago. It was dancing in the same area where I photographed a blue just two minutes before. The two were the same size, both small dragons with a body length of around one inch in length, so a reasonable assumption I think.

But back at the lab, the claspers at the tip of the abdomen were the same and this is the easiest way to tell the sexes apart. I cannot remember which is what but I know that they should be different. There are other ways, but my eyesight is just not up to it.

So I present this dragon as a new addition to my journal. I put the other pic of the blue in folio

Another wonderful batch of encouraging comments yesterday. Thankyou all so much, it really does help me stay positive.


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