Complete Control

So, ive decided to put my camera in manual and take over the settings completely!!..

why? i want to have a go at photographing a gig, so on saturday night im going down to a local music bar where an up and coming local band are playing, both the band and the pub have given me permission to shoot there..

Today, the camera hasnt moved from an iso of 1600 which is difficult to use when out and about in day light, But ive just wanted to get used to it and see what i can do,
my main concern is how my d3000 will handle the noise involved and to be honest im liking what im seeing...

Tomorrow i'm going to spend the day set at iso 800 and see what the camera and myself can do...

The above photo was taken in our living room which although has a patio is quite dark, although nothing compared to what the pub will be...

I've decided to go mono although i 'll be shooting in raw so will have to convert afterwards anyway.. so maybe i'll see a photo with colour that i like...

any advice, tips on low light shooting then please give..

Wish i had a full frame sensor - a D3 maybe ;-)


Nearly 10mnths old and already after the tv remote control!!!

The Clash

They said release 'Remote Control'
But we didn't want it on the label
They said, "Fly to Amsterdam"
The people laughed but the press went mad

Ooh ooh ooh someone's really smart
Ooh ooh ooh complete control, that's a laugh

On the last tour my mates couldn't get in
I'd open up the back door but they'd get run out again
At every hotel we was met by the Law
Come for the party - come to make sure!

Ooh ooh ooh have we done something wrong?
Ooh ooh ooh complete control, even over this song

They said we'd be artistically free
When we signed that bit of paper
They meant let's make a lotsa mon-ee
An' worry about it later

Ooh ooh ooh I'll never understand
Ooh ooh ooh complete control - lemme see your other hand!

All over the news spread fast
They're dirty, they're filthy
They ain't gonna last!

This is Joe Public speaking
I'm controlled in the body, controlled in the mind

C-o-n control - that means you!

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