Mooring Rope

A quickie! Mrs Joesblips arrives back in an hour and I haven't had dinner yet. It's in the oven and probably burned to a crisp by now. This shot was just a little something I saw on my way to the office this morning.

If you are interested there is a shot in my blipfolio entitled "Sparks" which was shot while out with the camera club last night. One of the guys sidled over to me wanting to know why he wasn't able to get anything like the same effect. He was using a telephoto at 1/30th sec. My camera was on the tripod at 1/8th at f11. He had the most fantastic blur and wobble shot and grossly underexposed too. Useless. Had no idea what he should have been doing and the worst part was that he was using a Canon EOS1 Mk2. People like that shouldn't be sold great cameras like that Canon.

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