Waterfoot Sunrise

By alasdairb

Terminal 5 Dawn

After a 13 hour flight from Singapore, we touched down at Heathrow at 6 o'clock this morning. As we got off the transfer bus at Terminal 5 to get the Shuttle up to Glasgow I was conscious there going to be a nice sunrise over the airport. As I was going to struggle for a blip on a day of constant travel, I was content to get this shot from inside the terminal, although the colours would have been a lot better had we got through security quicker!

As our flight didn't leave Singapore until almost midnight, we managed to cram in a few last adventures with visits to Little India, the Arab Area and Chinatown. A bit of globe-trotting without even leaving the city! The Chinese Heritage Centre was well worth a visit, as was the Restaurant next to it, particularly as there was a monsoon like downpour just after we sat down in the shelter of its awning!

Anyway, its back home now after a lovely drive down from Glasgow. I really have to mention how struck we both were by the beautiful scenery we have here in Scotland. Sometimes you have to be away from it for a while to really appreciate the splendour of the hills and lochs, particularly when set against some lovely blue sky and massive white puffy clouds like we saw this morning. We may not get our share of warm sun, but we sure have a lot to be grateful for.

Thanks once again to everyone who followed our travels, whether commenting or not. It was great to get suggestions of places to visit and things to do as we travelled about. And a particular thanks again to OzBeachcomber for all her help and advise on the East coast of Australia. Blip is such a wonderful, interactive and informative virtual community! I hope to resume normal commenting service myself after a good nights sleep.

After most big holidays I usually make up a photographic album and include things like leaflets, receipts (it cost how much!) and maps. This year my blip pages will be the album and I hope, time permitting, to add links to other blips or place of interest visited, so the electronic journal is complete for future reference.

Tomorrow its back to "old clothes and porridge", which could just be an idea for a blip!

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