
The world was just pure aliveness today. This image tweaked only by the hand of god/nature. The sky really was that colour.

Sadly, I was buried under a backlog of admin for much of the day. Happily, it's now sorted into piles and the most urgent things have been dealt with. That feels much less daunting.

I love those moments when the tide is high and you can almost feel it turn back on itself, pulled by the moon. I had better shots that gave that feel but couldn't resist the brightness of this blue.

Apart from general busyness and things that have to be done, I've struggled with adjusting to a house whose windows lie east/west. In the mornings the sun's too bright to see the laptop in the bedroom, now (7.15pm) I've reluctantly pulled the curtains on the setting sun so I can post using the bigger screen. None of this is life-threatening, there are far worse problems to have, but it hasn't half played havoc with my blip habits.

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