Out of the blue
A good friend of mine has thrown me an unexpected, but nice, curve-ball. A potential route back into the adult world of work, it is very early days and I emphasise potential route .
This is about 3 months (at least) before I was planning on thinking about rejoining normality, so after a hurried dusting off and cobbling together of a CV, I had time to actually think about this and to be honest it is quite daunting. It has been over 3 years since I have had to go into an office, dial into a conference call, go through the motions of an appraisal, keep a "customer" happy, ensure all my systems are up and running, manage a ticket Q, deal with offshore resources, commute... as I said it is a thought.
Although at 37 I don't think I can get away with full retirement this early, so it is a thought I better get used to, whether it is this opportunity or another my care-free home Dad days are looking numbered.
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