Roll With It

By Falmike

Ideal Place For The Bodies

Work on the shed base progresses although I feel there may be a lot of 'toing & froing' in Clare's soon to be polished 'Big Red' in order to dispose of the earth/rubble.

After a truly scrumptious home made Ocean Pie the children decided they would like ice cream for dessert, nominated to go down to our local convenience Tesco Joshua said he would like to go. Off we went, having selected both vanilla and Neapolitan we approached the self check out. At first I thought my fly might be undone, then I began to wonder if I might have an unsightly scar as the "security" guard scowled at me - but no, "Get shoes on" he grunted to Joshua. Josh completely oblivious to this picked up his ice cream and strolled out. I asked if he might not be a bit more courteous if he expected children to have manners - nothing.
Therefore he is nominated as the first body I would put in the foundation if only for being the classic "jobs worth"

I calculate there is room for six so I shall nominate a further five in the days to come!!

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