The Kiltwalk

By thekiltwalk

Let's do it again 2013 where do I sign up?

Three days on and the stories and pictures from Sunday keep pouring onto our Facebook page and what fantastic pictures they are too, particularly the ones from Shaun Ward, our official Kiltwalk photographer, who seems to have caught the joy, emotion, tears and sense of achievement The Kiltwalk brings.

So I found myself in London today and like a fresh youthed teenager, who wants to show the world they've been to T in the Park, I am still wearing my Kiltwalk wristband with pride and it turns out it paid off.

I turned up for my first meeting and the guy I met immediately asked me about The Kiltwalk when he saw my wrist band at which point he produced £26 and thrust it into my hand saying "here's a pound for every mile" which was fantastic, so keep wearing them fellow Kiltwalkers, as you never know who you might meet.

Talking of meeting people, you may remember I mentioned I had the pleasure of walking for a mile or so with Natalie Stirling who has become a keen follower of all things Kiltwalk and has the blisters to prove it.

I also asked people to post their pictures on our Facebook page and if possible, provide their story of the day and that's exactly what Natalie has done.

So as I've a train to Nottingham from St. Pancras to catch I'll hand over to Natalie (5th from the left in today's picture) to say a few words and catch you all later.

Just wanted to say thanks to all The Kiltwalk Team for the top job they did on Sunday and for Ian, the only one to participate that's true dedication!

This was my first Kiltwalk and I didn't underestimated how tough physically it would be, however my emotions well they got the better of me ? . just chatting to many of the fabulous walkers, reading some of their stories on Facebook or Twitter and hearing the pain of losing a child or having a child poorly in hospital tore me to shreds.

As a mum to a toddler I can only imagine the pain. So who cares about the blisters on my feet they are nothing & will heal.

The Kiltwalk is an amazing charity professionally organised & I am honoured to have walked shoulder to shoulder with all of you.

Where I can I will participate as much as possible in future fundraising events & walks. 26 miles, isn't easy ?.. but it's a challenge and one worth every ache & tear.

Blood sweat & tears ... Let's do it again 2013 where do I sign up??... xxxx

Well done everyone xxxx

Please keep in touch with all future events..

Natalie :) x

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