
By Kaysha

Jurassic Park

Our archaeological garden dig uncovered a few bones today (praying they're not human) as well as beasties (big and small). It was great fun to be outside again, enjoying the sunshine and getting A & D covered in mud, which they love. Our neighbour's daughter was in the next garden with her friend and A glued herself to the fence to look on in adoration at the 'big girls' having fun. She was shouting 'girls, girls!' to catch their attention and even went back to the house to brush her teeth and put on her new shoes to show off to them - bless.

D brought the dinosaur into the garden and started making the 'grrrr' noises with a big grin. Too much Peppa Pig, perhaps? He also surprised us by saying 'roar' when asked what a lion does - clever lad!

Only downside of today was that D managed to climb onto the coffee table and knock the lamp over this morning, breaking the bulb and cutting his stomach. No real damage I think, but what a fright. I need eyes everywhere for this little fellow...

Kids asleep by 7pm tonight, not sure what I did to deserve that but am most certainly not complaining.

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