Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Light Reading

Had my London Encyclopaedia delivered today. Absolutely fantastic book for a capital nut. Massive. First entry is the history of the "A to Z" first authored by one Phyllis Pearsall who walked over London compiling it then printed it at her own expense because no publisher would touch it; delivered the first print run herself in a wheelbarrow to branches of WH Smith and it sold like hot cakes. Turned the company over to the workers in a John Lewis style business model and the rest is history. I love the sound of Phyllis Pearsall.

Today was work in the morning, on holiday this afternoon. Stuck the Dizzle in a room to do his history exam that he missed when off sick last term but this was deemed a fail by my son who said there were too many distractions (he is probably right) so we will stick that one down to experience. Had Chai Latte in Starbucks with The Girl Racer, which was lovely. Cooked a decent chick pea and aubergine curry and made a butterbean and roasted cauliflower pate for no good reason. Tastes scrummy though.

Early night with my new book now. Hope the bed can take the weight ...

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