This Too Will Vanish...

By etherghost

the simple elegance of stairs

My brain would like to live with these stairs.
This is my idea of beauty and peace.
A place to receive information about the finer things
In this small room with the stairs.

Walked 10 miles today seeing the sights. Walking by the waters of Leith/Stockbridge/Dean Villiage to The Modern for lunch in the garden and walking on the landform. Then to The Munch exhibition, which was outstanding. Then to St. Mary's Cathedral and then on to The Museum for the mummies (and with a buy one get one free ticket- it was a good time) then there was a trip to Spoon and to Talbot Rice Gallery to the James Cumming exhibition and then to the train station to buy our England tickets and then to legendary Henderson's for dinner. Got drenched on the way home.. but there was sunshine too..

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