Life on the Good Intent

By ClydeBorn

I Would Walk

I wanted to do something outdoors today but by the time I left work the rain was torrential. I drove down to Leith hoping for some lights reflecting on the rainy streets or storm clouds behind ships. I trudged along Ocean Drive (oh, the irony of that name) and saw there was a "fun" fair outside the shopping centre. It was a sad dreich sight and I was already soaked to the skin but I risked my camera and took this. A miserable rainy night on Leith shore.

As I drove home the most amazing light became visible in the west for around thirty minutes and I was once again on the M9. I'm so sad I missed it messing about in Edinburgh - can't get the light right there - must be because I'm a west coast child!
So for my 200th blip I should have followed my heart and gone west tonight, but that's what this blipping lark is all about. Opportunities seized and those missed - but there's always another day.

So thank you all in this wonderful community for the laughs, the tears and the sheer gasps of admiration, and especially the support and inspiration I have received.

Have this song from my heart xxx

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