Redneck Kitty Garden: The Continuum

"Life Goes On" ~So they say
Spring comes, the flowers bloom as if it's just another day. They don't know a thing about the struggles we face. It's not their job. Isn't that a really wonderful part of life. The flowers won't become wrapped up in the emotions of life. They will keep coming up, our gift from above, and they will display their beauty regardless of the circumstances. I want to be faithful like that. Just keep showing up regardless.

Something I've given a great deal of thought to over the years, is that there are times when we can't show up in person. Today was one of those days. With everything finally in order, and Mother Comfort receiving the finest of care and continued visits from my precious Contraptioneer and sister, it was my day to catch up a tiny bit, and touch base with several folks who just needed me to be at my job. The fact is, most of my client's in the human services agency where I work by day, are facing very similar situations that we are right now. Varying degrees of exhaustion, and a genuine need for information and help. It is because of our experiences with Mother Comfort that I am compelled all the more to stay in the game and keep showing up. Today was a day to provide resources and information while Mother Comfort rested amazingly comfortably. Peace does come.

It was difficult to make myself go through the day and not go kiss that forehead, but while we can't show up in person sometimes, we can be like the "Good Samaritan" (Luke the Bible) who did show compassion and help someone who was hurting, but he didn't provide all the care himself. He left the resources with the Innkeeper and promised to pay the rest when he returned from his journey. Once upon a time, I would have been very critical of myself if I couldn't be in all the places people needed help personally...which is never possible anyway. Understanding that there are times when you can only make arrangements for the best of care, then you must be about your business for awhile, has been a tremendous help. So, to balance everything I said yesterday about being there, I do want to be honest about the fact that I can not always be there and I am at peace with this. It is still such a privilege to have Mother Comfort another day with us. I look forward to seeing her tomorrow very much!

In the meantime, life does keep happening as if it were just another day. In some ways, this gives me courage, in other ways, it's a hint of bitter. Sometimes it does seem like the world should pause and hold it's breath with me when something so life changing is happening in the world. Perhaps that was why there were no kitties in the redneck kitty garden this morning at all.

The ever changing views of the Redneck Kitty Garden:
Early Spring 2012
Father's Day 2011
Winter 2011
Redneck Catbed, Kittens & Deer Aug 2011

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