The journey continues...

By Lbell

Let the travelling commence...

Today was a hectic day. It was a bit of a slow morning with time disappearing so quick as per usual. Come lunchtime Carina and I decided to call the bus station to check that they definitely had space on their buses for tonight. After the first few calls were unsuccessful we began to panic as without a bus to Sucre our travel plans would be totally messed up. So we continued to call and finally found a company with some space left on its bus. After that we rushed like crazy to the terminal and managed to buy the last 3 of 5 tickets. Stress over!

Or not...when we got back to the flat Danny had still not returned for the jungle and having being warned about the airline delays we weren't sure whether he would make the bus this evening since the only bus available was at 6.30pm. Fortunately he got back just after 3 and surprisingly (or not) managed to get himself ready before Carina and I. It was so difficult to pack for our trip as we were going to Sucre first which is warmer than La Paz, Potosí next which is colder than La Paz and finally the Salt Flat tour which is on a whole different level. As a result our room was an absolute mess and I managed to take up 3 beds as well as the floor with all my different bits and bobs.

Finally we got our sensibly chosen items packed away into our limited luggage/packed as much as we could fit into them and got a taxi at 5.45pm. We arrived at the bus station just in time to purchase some snacks and board the bus to meet our friendly Bolivian back of the bus buddies and our 12 hour journey began!

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