Life. Through my lens.


Super A.

This was my dads camera, a Pentax Super A 35mm film which he owned somewhere around 1984. Eventually he passed it on to me and I have had a great deal of pleasure in using it over many years. Sadly, the film era is all but gone and this camera has been parked in a box for quite a long time now. It's such a shame to see some of this equipment sit there in waste. It has some real history and has seen many a family picture over the years. It also turns out that the Pentax SMC-A 50mm f1.7 lens is now a sought after item for it's beautiful natural tones and contrasty images as well as delicious creamy bokeh when wide open. Since it is a 35mm lens it will cover the sensor on a full frame camera too! So I have acquired a lens converter with AF-Confirm chip to convert the Pentax K mount to EOS and now I have this awesome piece of history back up and running and ready to produce many more years of beautiful pictures. A small modification needed to be made to allow the lens to clear the large reflex mirror on the 5D Mark II but she has come out of her operation and the first few test shots are even better than I had hoped for. Exciting times!!

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