seen by highonahill

By highonahill

Let sleeping cats lie...

Masses of photos taken today, given that the Family have been indoors all day, recovering from birthday celebrations and a late night and hiding from the heavy rain and hail showers.

But all the photos have one thing in common, they're terrible! I've taken a lot of pictures of birds - I have had many new (to me) feathered visitors over the last few days, including greenfinches, goldfinches and chaffinches, to go with the dunnocks, robins and coal, great and blue tits that were already visiting. I just need to get more creative about snapping them. The storms haven't helped - the wind has whipped the feeders round so that the view of the seed feeder from the house is now obscured by the fat balls! Add to this, the fact that the birds seem to hang on to the far side of the peanut feeder and I'm getting lots of heads and tails with a feeder between!

Must go out and set up some artificially-created 'natural' perches for them ;-)

Thankfully, the 'sleeping cat' isn't too interested...

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