
By cowgirl

To The Manor Reborn

Today we visited Avebury Manor, which some of you may have seen on the telly programme titled as above.

The manor has been renovated by a team of historians, curators, designers, craftsmen and National Trust volunteers who have furnished and decorated 9 rooms in the house in 4 period styles: Tudor, 18th Century, Victorian and early 20th Century.

The great thing about it is that because it's all reconstructed, it's not as " precious " as other properties and you're allowed to get hands, legs, bottoms on! There's no teasel on the chairs so you can sit anywhere ( I took a cheeky photo of a group of Golden Girls making themselves at home around the dining table ) and I was able to climb into a replica of the bed Queen Anne may have slept in if she actually did spend the night there ( she's recorded as having dined there, tho no-one knows if she really stayed the night ).

I think this was one of our favourite National Trust properties because you can get stuck in! Go early to get a ticket tho, especially at weekends as they go fast, this was our second attempt.

Once you've done the manor tour there's plenty to see around Avebury, not least the henge, which one of the manor's owners, Alexander Keiller, the marmalade magnate, used his fortune to save.

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