Open Water, at last!

At last the pond at the bottom of the garden has lost all the ice! when we got home on saturday night there was still lots of ice out there...but by yesterday it was gone!

this is as far as i've gone for the past few days cos i seem to be dealing with some horrible bug...either that or it's a delayed reaction to the Cuba trip! Not able to eat very much and my energy is so low i can't hardly stand it!!!

Anyway, i've now posted a few back blips starting here: Cuba Day 1!

When i have a bit more energy i want to upload some more of the amazing images i got whilst in Cuba, either on Blipfolio or Flickr...maybe both! I took over 600 shots and am slowly editing them. What an amazing place Cuba is, definitely a place we both want to return to, but we both agree we'd do quite a few things differently next time!

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