
By KirstyHalbert


This is Smokey the cat. He's 19 years old and still watches the birds in the garden and can jump the 4 foot from the floor to the top of the hot tub lid to sunbathe... Which is where he was in this photo! I wish I'd got a better one, but he doesn't like the camera very much.

Today is M's last day onshore for 3 weeks, so we just had a really chilled out day, with a little trip to the driving range to practice my pitching and short game (which is still pretty rubbish). M did a bit of DIY for me in our flat, which was massively appreciated, while I edited the 260 photos I took in Norway.

We had offered to cook dinner for M's Mum and Dad this evening so the pair of us got going in the kitchen in the afternoon, and made from scratch a feast of sticky Thai chicken with a green curry sauce, noodles and lettuce, followed by a cherry and white chocolate cake with (shop-bought) ice cream. It all went down well, and we were both pleased!

M's Mum and Dad left later (probably over-full!) and M and I just spent an hour cuddling on the sofa. I really miss him when he goes away; but we've had a wonderful 3 weeks and it'll only be 21 sleeps until he's home again. I think I'm getting used to this offshore thing!

Note: When I have a wee bit more time I'll photoshop those annoying cables out of this one...

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