
By Daystarimages

A Business card

I sit here this morning wondering about a lot of things. I think, why am I here in Jerusalem, why am I a photographer, why do I see what I see or how I see or what I think. The man with prayer shawl walking down the street as I look out my kitchen window, why is he religious? What caused him to become religious? Is he religious? Why Jerusalem and not Tel-Aviv or Haifa or Carmel? Does he have family or is he single? Does he know G-d or about G-d? Is he following a tradition or a real G-d and Creator? Why do I believe what I believe? Why should anyone want a personal relationship with something we cannot see? How awesome is this planet, this universe, our bodies? Our bodies, self sustaining, self governing, how awesome we are. What caused me to take the photo that I put up today, because it was easy, it was handy, it gave me the opportunity to say what I am saying? Why do I strive to create, to communicate what is in my heart?
Think, seven billion people with thoughts, ideas, strife, sufferings, euphoria, desires, longing and so many other moments in the course of time. I could go on and on and on but enough is enough.
Another day, another moment, another thought.

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