
By adelphants

Wilderness meets urban. I love the area I live in, because there' bunch of saguaros and has wilderness feel to this northeast part of Tucson, it also serves as sort of hub for tourists visiting Bear Canyon and Mount Lemmons right nearby (on the road, in fact, toward those locations).

I've been sitting on my butt for the past 4 hours waiting for those men from Bert's to install our new dishwasher. Jeez, I can do this by myself and not having my landlord to pay for this service. That pix was the original blip, but I liked this one above better.

I saw their van driving by on the street, they looked lost. Still hasn't arrived at all. Jeez. I have a life, you know. I don't sit around for half a day waiting for other people to do their jobs. My future business won't run that way, that's for sure.

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