Welcome to my world!

By Lilly414


...this morning's blip is of the lines in the sand made by the tractor that was out raking it, not a very interesting journal entry but I liked the lines it made. We had another gorgeous day weather-wise and another great day at work!

On another note, I have made a notebook using Blurb that has some of my photos interspersed throughout as part of my exhibition during Dorset Art Weeks, it arrived today and I'm so so pleased with it, it's amazing (even if I do say so myself!) you can see it on the Blurb online bookstore under the name of Sarah Broome (that's my real name ha ha). It's called "Randoms" subtitled Lilly Cottage Photography. If anyone does happen to check it out I'd live to hear what you think! I'm not sure how to give you the link so forgive me for not making your life easier to go straight to the site! Sorry!!

Anyway, I hope you all have a fabulous weekend, unfortunately I will be working right through until next Friday, no rest for the wicked as the saying goes!! Happy blipping x

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