Spent a fair while tinkering in the garage today. New transmission (chain and rear sprockets) fitted to the fairly rusty steed. Major clean up and lubrication of the other bits-n-pieces.

Don't be fooled by the paintwork. I resprayed this bit (yet again) a couple of years ago. The bicycle was new in 1980, and it's easily done over 50,000 miles since then... well, some of it has. That back wheel is either the fourth or fifth one! The first was destroyed by insurance rep, that ran into the back of me outside his office in Edinburgh's George Street... less than a week after I'd had it respoked. I was a skint Student, working over the Summer with a former employer.

Hadn't had me first pay yet. To get home, I had to withdraw my last fiver (£5 to those outside the UK) from the bank, so as to afford the train fare home to North Berwick. I left the bike chained up outside work, and went for the train in my cycling gear... blood running down one leg from the knee. The wash-hand basins in the railway toilets looked distinctly unhygienic, so I left that bloody knee until reaching home.

Once home and cleaned up, I contacted the medical centre to check when my last anti-tetanus booster had been. Long, long ago. Off to the medical centre. A young lad with tear filled eyes was before me, and due to receive a similar jab. They asked me to go in first, to show him there wasn't anything to worry about. Thinks, "Hmm. Better not pass-out then..." In I went.

As I'm rolling up my sleeve, the Nurse says, "Right Mr S., drop 'em." In surprise I reply, "Pardon?!!" She takes a deep breath and very clearly and slowly says, "Take down your trousers, as I require to inject you in the bottom... a cheek thereof, that is." "Oh. I thought it would be in the arm."

After receiving some prodding, I enquire as to whether there is a problem, and she replies, "I'm trying to find a soft spot. Are you a rugby player or something?! I'll just have to do it here..."

There was me thinking I didn't have much to say tonight. Funny how old memories can come flooding back. This incident occurred in the Summer of 1986. The Commonwealth Games were to be in Edinburgh that year, and due to start the following day. Shortly before being run into by that car, I recall seeing numerous extremely large and fit looking folk, of various ethnicities, wandering around the town.

The next day I took a photo of the bike from behind (still have it somewhere). That back wheel was like a figure of eight. Fortunately the rest of the bike was okay. The insurance rep paid for the damage, and asked me not to let on to his employers... suspect he didn't want to risk increasing his premiums!

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