Family Dog

By Family_Dog

view from my bath

A quick bath this morning before Bry headed to basketball. A blue sky for a change....

As I lay in the bubbles, I thought of lots of philosophical things to write about today but now that I am up and about they have all vanished. I do my greatest thinking in my bath (I do my only thinking in my bath, it would seem!)

READING is going marvellously. After I finished 1984 I decided to re-visit another book I'd read a long time ago. This time 'Catcher in the Rye'. That's probably why I was feeling philosophical in the bath - I finished it whilst I was in there.

I didn't get that book AT ALL when I read it first time round. Mind you, I would never have been able to relate to Holden Caulfield when I was a teenager. I was just too obsessed with the fact that my supposed best friend bought Doc Martens before I got a chance to, or that I got a job working as a glass collector in the COOL pub (thus making me incredibly cool) or whatever. No time to focus on other people at that age.

Anyway -I really enjoyed it. And as I am going on holiday in 1 1/2 weeks time (woooohoooooooooo) I am quite happy to announce that I am back in the reading, I was wondering if you had any books you could recommend for my holiday? Here's the criteria:

1) has to be quite thin book so I can hold it while I'm feeding Arlo his bottle (can be tiny writing though, that's okay)

2) has NOT to be science fiction

3) has not to be written by Alexander McCall Smith

4) has to be fairly 'light' for holiday purposes

5) has to be the sort of book that when you finished it you wished you'd never read it so you could read it for the first time all over again.

Anybody wishing to recommend something, well I'd be tickled pink!

Arlo's off to his Nana & Grandad's today to spend the night. I am really going to miss that little beanbag! He's started a new thing where he squaks (how do you spell scwack?! skwak? squwack?) like a baby pterodactyl. It is sheer delight, he does it with a big smile on his face and it's a lovely way to wake up in the morning (though it would be a different story if it was a real baby pterodactyl, obviously).

BBQ today. Woohoo. They have kegs of cider. Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.

p.s - backblipped if yer interested x

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