
This was a maternity shoot.

My best friend is pregnant with her second nipper. When she had her first (photographed), I took some bump shots for her and she has one on her wall. She asked to take some this time round, to avoid any "Why did you take a photo when you were pregnant with him and not me?!" questions later on.

So I went over there tonight and we duly made a start. A few shots in, and my Godson (aged 3) wandered in to see what we were doing.

It is worth mentioning now that he is, and always has been, utterly fascinated by photos, and particularly photos of himself!

So, the moment he saw me with the camera he walked in front of it and demanded I snap away. After each photo, he came over to have a look at it, and give his approval (or not!).

After a few shots (and much face pulling) he said "Oh no, spots!". These are small marks on his forehead caused by some recent bang on the head. Again.

So, he then stood in front of the camera and covered up his forehead with his hand! Coming back to see the result, he still looked unhappy. "What's that?", pointing at his cheeks. That was his dinner, splattered all around his mouth. He left the room.

A couple more bump shots were squeezed in before he came back into the room ... with wipes. He stood in front of the mirror and scrubbed away at his face until it was clean.

Once he was happy I fired off another shot. Upon inspection it was met with "That's better!".

He's a treasure. :o)

Anyway, this is him taking a photo of me with his camera. It wasn't half bad either! So my guess is that he'll either be a photographer or, more likely, a model!

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