Even zombies need a break
I am going to bore you with yet another tale of a great day out in London. Sorry but I love the city of my birth and it rarely let's me down. But first...
Got up at 6.15 because of unfinished business and logged on despite it being a day off - only to the find a colleague on line doing the same thing. Cooked vegetarian spam fritters and fried eggs for breakfast. Managed to get an appointment with Toni and Guy, had my overflowing locks sorted by the excellent Sam, and then went into the Dance festival office to sign some papers with another Sam, the company director. So by the time the Dizzle, and TSM and I caught the lunchtime train I was already feeling contented and happy.
Anyway London: Sandwiches on the South Bank in the spring sunshine then walked up to Westminster Abbey, and perused the famous tombs. Elizabeth the First was buried with a lot of mates, couldn't help wondering if they were dead or she did the pharaoh thing and said "when I go, you go".
Horse guards to watch the horses looking bored and the Life Guards slapping their buttocks with a worryingly quasi-bestial enthusiasm. Then up to the National Gallery for coffee and THE most amazing chocolate and banana cake (tip - the National is the best, most fantastic place in London for cake); then I left TSM and The Dizzle to go home whilst I did my own thing. As follows:
Walked to St Paul's. Photographed jolly fat bloke sitting on the steps of the river with an umbrella. Got a wave. Photographed St Paul's. looked fab, particularly from the South side by the Millenium Bridge.
Then walked down to Tower Bridge and photographed that too.
Then walked back to Waterloo and had curry from the food festival behind the ... Festival Hall.
These zombies were having a break from the London Dungeon. Why not? They agreed to have their picture taken.
Other (end of day) observations:
Peter Andre - what a dick
118 Adverts - How annoying
Life - how amazing...
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