Pics from Zone Flâneur

By paulperton

Make your mind up!

I spotted this sign in the produce market in Stellenbosch this morning. At first, the use of an apostrophe to signify a plural made me want to yell. So much so that I pointed it out to my friend and his wife (an ex-schoolteacher) who made a similar comment to mine.

Then I noticed that while the sign's author has avo's and guava's, he does't have apple's, or naartjie's.


Seems the best policy in these cases is to simply shrug it off.

Then I got home and while processing my pic, noticed that while most of the sign is in English some is in Afrikaans. Someone clearly has a bad case of the undecideds today.

BTW, naartjies are tangerines in English and lemoene (believe it or not) are oranges. In Afrikaans, lemons are suurlemoene (sour lemons).

Leica D-LUX 3

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