What Captures My Interest

By Erikalv

Palm Trees

Ahhhhhh.....this week is finally over and its Friday night. I decided to go to the mall to return some items and shop at Sephora and MAC for make-up. Bought some eyeliner, eyeshadow , lipstick and hair accessory. There's nothing like a new shade of lipstick....its such a girl thing.

While walking to my car, I spotted these palm trees. Now that I'm a blipper I look at things differently (I think we all do) and noticed how the color of the trees were shiny and lit and looked great against the dark sky. It was rainy and cold today but the night was beautiful and windy just like the tropicals.

Have a wonderful restful adventurous and lazy weekend.

Not well focused because of the winds but still liked how the picture came out

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