GM Tulip

By GMTulip

Blipfoto doesnt accept....

...screen grabs apparently, so instead of my 7% power remaining screen you get a shot of Shirley's girth while queueing for beer!

Yesterday (I'm back blipping) I had lunch in Cheltenham then WALKED back to Gloucester!!! About 9 miles.... by the time I got into the pub 3 hours later I had only 7% power remaining!!!
Paul & Shirley were so impressed they bought me prawn shashlik and beer to celebrate, I was also allowed to gate crash their movie night and watched 'Paul' .... V funny film!

On route I stopped at M-i-L's to change my socks, she gave me a new pair of sports socks that she had bought when she was playing badminton! As I was walking away I worked out that the socks I was now wearing were probably FORTY YEARS OLD!!!! I wonder if I'll ever be that mad????

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