The Daily Mynci

By Funkymynci

Bedtime stories on the Ipad

A portrait of my son Corrie with his beloved Ipad in bed struggling to stay awake. He must have been perfectly still as this is quite sharp for a 5 second exposure! We were having a sleepover at his Nana and Grandad's house. They have Sky Sports and we enjoyed watching Reading (my team) beat Southhampton 3:1 to go to the top of the Championship with 3 games left. I must be one of only a handful of Royals fans living in Central Scotland).

Luckily I had my gorillapod to steady the camera as I'd had a few beers by the time this photo was taken.

I did get out earlier to try my hand at infrared photography, but I think I'll need a bit more practice. Treated myself to a 720nm filter, but you can't see through it so its tripod work and trial and error. I'll post one of these strange grainy pictures another day...

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