Small Places

By PicLocata

By the Tay, near Dunkeld

Our Saturday walk was through the forest and beside the Tay west of Dunkeld. I've chosen a real tourist view, but I'm not apologising as views like this are one of the main reasons I like living in Scotland.

There was an amusing moment while walking today. A lady in a car reached the end of a narrow road and asked us if she was near Tentsmuir. Well, Tentsmuir is at the north-eastern tip of Fife and over an hour's drive from Dunkeld. She'd said she'd put the postcode into her satnav - a bad move because Tentmuir is just a forest with a picnic area and a beach; not the sort of place to have letters delivered.

It turned out she'd taken the postcode from a Tentsmuir leaflet published by the Forestry Commission. The satnav had taken her to their head office in Dunkeld! All we could do was recommend the nearby Hermitage to visit, but I expect the children were sorry not to see a beach.

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