Live it loud!

By Lostpixel


Busy all day today so I picked up my camera as I went out to walk the dog. This is the double mini-roundabouts in Whitestone, Nuneaton. The stone istelf can be seen just behind the road name sign at the far right. Yes - it's a bit of a rude shape - usually with adornments by local kids!

Again, this is a panorama of 5 images. I realised as I was takng them that ensuring I didn't get multiple images of the same car wasn't easy - so i had to start again. Tilly was getting a bit bored by this time and wanting to head for home so just one shot at a result.

Would love to spend a bit more time on this but I had a friends laptop to lookat and hopefully restore to full working order - Damage resulting from "Windows Rage"......

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