Dun na Cuaiche......

...... is the small hill behind Inveraray Castle which has the small tower on top. You can't miss it when driving into Inveraray. We did an eight mile walk today taking in Dun na Cuaiche first of all, it is a steep wee hill but very satisfying, and on the summit there is a marvellous view of Inveraray and the Castle.

We had wonderful sunny and warm weather, a big change from the last time we went up in rain......we stayed a while on the summit, taking photos and having our photograph taken, and talking to others who were up there. There was a lovely family of two adults and three children, and we talked to them...... later to discover that we had been talking to the Duke and Duchess of Argyll, who own Inveraray Castle...... the Duke is the Chieftain of the Clan Campbell.....they had climbed up with their three children and like us were enjoying the view. The Duchess said she had bribed the children with the promise of chocolate at the top!

After the walk we had a drink or three in the George at Inveraray before the drive home....... the day was worth it for the coach trip alone, as the scenery was fantastic......

Hope you all had such a fantastic Saturday....

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