
A great day out with the family at the City Arts Centre for the Science Festival. Did loads of activities and we now have a a house full of made and semi-made items from the day including shadowgrams, bubble wands and a bag containing a slice of apple and the right salts to enable mummification of said fruit. I'll add it all to the pile from last year. And, correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe that we then followed in the footsteps of Newton and Einstein and all that lot, who liked nothing more after a hard day of 'doing science' than filling their faces at the nearest all-you-can-eat Chinese buffet. I think it was the barbequed chicken wings that made those theorems come thick and fast.

Bit of music to close. Entirely serendipitous, but when I was looking for a track by a newly-found favourite artist of mine, I just happened to find one named after a chemical element, it really would be rude not to.

(The aforementioned artist came to me in a tip from my pal Trevor from Exeter, the previously-mentioned-in-this-journal Trev From Dev, a big thanks to him for this discovery. If you like the track I've linked to then there's a 3 track EP available from the relevant Bandcamp page, as well as a few other tracks that are available to download in a buy now/name your price type deal. Well worth checking out.)

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