
This is Aida. We spent a fun afternoon together. We got the boring marking moderation out of the way then talked (in French, bien sûr), laughed, sang, photographed and generally got on well. C'était un plaisir, Aida. Merci mille fois!

I don't often find willing victims for portraits so when Aida volunteered her modelling services, I didn't need to be asked twice!

This is the best of them. Next time, we'll do it properly, this was a bit impromptu.

I need to learn a bit about portrait photography so any tips or handy hints would be very much appreciated.

Cousteau and I got up super early this morning and were out of the house before 7.30 am. We walked in the forest for an hour and a half.

The promised el scorchio weather happened for a couple of hours this afternoon.

And that was the weekend.

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