Jadens Party

2years 176days

Busy day today! Lots of fun though. We have worked out the bus to ballet, so set off this morning and cycled to the bus station. We arrived early enough to stop and get a morning snack from the shop before the bus. She was so excited about the bus. The only thing with it is that to get there in time we have to arrive really early, but we went for a cup of tea and when it's nice weather, we'll be able to go to the park.

She was SO good at ballet today. She normally stands on the back lines, often wanting me near. Today, she stood immediately on a star on the front line and waited patiently for class to start. She then did the first three activities without coming back to me at all. Everything else, she got stuck in just checking on me sometimes. During tap, she stood holding the other girls' hands, which she's refused to do before. I had to stand nearby but she got on with it. Then when it was her turn to curtsey to the teacher, she did a beautiful little curtsey, before going very shy and hiding in me!

After ballet, I put her in the carrier to get to the bus. She was asleep before long and slept on the bus in my arms too. When we got home, we got ready for the afternoon's events - Jaden's birthday party! Katie was super excited. She sang songs with Jasmine the whole way to Victoria's, then ran straight to Jaden with his present before going off to play with all the other children.

She was chuffed to bits that Jaden came and sat with us in the car to the party. She was a bit confused however when Jaden then went off to Lazer Quest and she went with some of the grown ups, Jasmine and friends to play in the soft play. She sat really nicely in her highchair for some tea, as soon as she realised Jaden was coming too. After tea, Katie went and did some ceramic painting, before she curled up on my lap and fell asleep. It put her in good stead for getting back to their house and charging round with the big kids till gone 8pm! She has had a fantastic day, thankyou Victoria, John and family for having us xx

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