In Brief, for once...

By JaxI

The morning after...

I feel like I've gone through a 2 week long labour and the baby has been born. Which beforehand, you always think is the goal..,

Then: light anticlimax followed by, "oh god, now I have no excuse not to do everything I've been putting off because my mind has been on this!" and you have to deal with the baby as well....

On the plus side the festival seems to have been a great success, so now I just have to turn my apparently great organizing skills around to sorting out my own life, and all will be fandabbydozy!

The pic is one of the gift bags we made for the Afternoon Tearoom at the festival. My arty friend Nicky designed & made the gift bag, I made the jam, the cooking class baked the scones and Toko procured the clotted am from an unknown source!

Great teamwork!

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