Pied Wagtail

Sorry i haven't been since Thursday when we took the boyd back to Balfron. Unfortunately the phone company didn't sonnect the internet when they reconnected the phone at our daughter's new house. You don't realise how much we rely on the internet till you don't have it.
Our daughter uses it a lot for research for her work as do the boys for their studies and keeping in touch with friends and family. Even checking the exam timetable for the SQA exams which begin next week.

Today is a backblip of a tiny wagtail I spotted when we stopped off at tarbert loch lomond. These creatures may be tiny but they are very quick of the mark. This is the best of quite a few I took while the boys and Joh wandered off to the loch to see the boats.
Hope you are all having a grand weekend. We're headed off to Inveraray and on to the tree shop at cairndow. Hope the light is still good when we get there as it is a very scenic run through.

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