When I'm Far Away from home, Don't call me on...

Everything has suddenly burst into life.

There is green everywhere.

The trees are looking bushy and in lurve, the sky is blue, and the clouds are fluffy.

The piggy-ons are twitter-vating as though their lives depended on it, and I suppose, in a form of life begets life way, it does. For some reason the ones near here are not performing their usual twittervating dance of lurve around the railway bridge (and that is not because someone drove into it), but on top of the lamp posts around a pretty busy, but little roundabout just outside our estate.

Si looses the place with me when I describe in detail the tail fanning, and bowing and twirling that I have witnessed, because this usually means, that I have been gazing skywards, on my approach to and going thru the roundabout.

He is astounded by my ability to drive and take in everything around me - he takes his eyes from the steering wheel to see something that I highlight as being SUPEREXCITING, my dad, for instance, sitting on a fence, and we almost hit the fence on the other side of the road while he tries to correct.

Whereas, I can drive and look at Arran 30 miles away, the sheepies on top of the hill, or today for instance, what I thought might be Zebras living in an exclosure in what I believe to be a secret service dug out on top of the hill. Turns out they were horses, but the light was just catching them just so.

Still think it is a secret service hide out tho. Must investigate further.

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