
By NinaH

Aino & trashguitar

Today we visited at Tampere´s working class museum. There were many interesting stuff for kids and adults. One on of them was these instruments made from trash by Kimmo Nissinen. We also visited at dark Cafe, which was totally black, you wont see anything! Interesting experiment, even coffee tasted better there... At the beginning it felt weird, but it was a very welcomed experience to have a bit taste of blindness. At first Aino was a bit scary, but it didn´t take long before she started to enjoy of the experiment... and now she says she wasn´t scare at all :)

We also visited humorous and playful exhibition "in flight, birds at vapriikki",
Last chance to see this exhibition, only 5 more days left. I recommend to visit. Aino loved to play real angry birds game. You can build your own state and use a huge slingshot! There were much more to listen and see, you could even sing bird karaoke.. but Aino didn´t want to sing with me!

Now Piia and I are off to see Lassi at hospital. Yesterday he felt sick and weak, so we had to take him back. Tomorrow starts second chemo treatment and this time it will be much harder. We try to keep life as normal as we can, even when this is in our mind every minute. He is brave young man who doesn´t complain about anything, even if he had a good reason!

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