Me, My Camera & I

By notgraham

4 Dogs and a bag of poop

Today with it being that wee bit sunny we trotted off to see my mum and her newly re-decorated rooms. I was called in to move the rather big coax cable from room to another to allow the internets to work in the front bedroom, rather than my old room. 20 minutes, a lot of swearing and 4 drilled holes later we were done. My bit of trunking I bought that night before worked a treat to get the cable down to the floor ready to be fed behind the skirting board tomorrow.

Well we took advantage of the weather and took 4 of the 5 dogs out for a walk. Suzie, the one we left is getting on a bit (now 11) and even though I got her collar and lead on and got her onto the floor she anchored herself and wouldn't play ball with me. So we left her with my mum.
So Sophie, Percy, Skye and Gracie all went for a walk down at the shore near to the Bo'ness and Kinneil Railway preservation society. The dogs ran their brains out and look to have really enjoyed themselves!

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