Beautiful Life In Photos

By chlobags

White Horse

Had another delish Sunday lunch, after a brilliant morning at West Wilts Vineyard (as ever), and then Ian and I went up Westbury White Horse.

There were people being lowered down on to the White Horse, so we went along to ask what was occurin, and the Westbury Rotary Club had volunteered to clean and repaint it. Isn't that lovely?! We had a lovely chat with one of the volunteers; they were at the washing stage today, but they are hoping to have it repainted and sparkling in time for the Queen's Jubilee. So, anyone living in/driving through Wiltshire in the next few months, look out for the White Horse and expect to be dazzled some time soon!

I took quite a few pictures although I'd only taken the one lens, which was a tad restricting! It took me a while to decide on a photo, but I liked this one because of the view in the background.

However...I have increasingly been finding it hard to decide on the best photo for Blip everyday, so I am now the proud owner of a Flickr account! I keep seeing a lot of fellow blippers' Flickr photos, and as I'm often torn deciding what photo to share, it seemed like a good plan.

So, my White Horse photos are currently loading on Flickr (taking ages...) but there will be a link on here shortly, please have a little look if you fancy :)

My Flickr has now loaded! I think this is the right link...

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