Whistle while you work
Long hard day's work today getting the place in Fife ready for its photos. Here's Mr B. I wish I could say he was dancing with the sheer joy of being in control of a mop, but he's actually just trying to scarper out of my way - not realising that it's him I'm taking a picture of.
This was the only non-real estate selling picture I took today. I'm actually really happy with some of the ones I took of the house (after a lot of hard work correcting distortion and delicately (not) airbrushing out all the creases where I forgot to straighten the duvet properly (fussy, me?) Next time I think I'll have learnt that it's better to do the work on site rather than on the computer later...
Lots of driving today too of course, with all the usual exasperation about the inability of most drivers to manage simple things like indicators. But today's winner for dire car behaviour is the driver (and passenger) of the silver Toyota Corola (putting the number plate in here would be too mean wouldn't it??) driving from Leven along towards Kirkcaldy with rubbish flying out of the back window. Tut tut.
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